Tweed 5W

Champ $1500

EXTRAS Gain switch – $30    Tone cap upgrade – $20    Nos power tube – $40  

The perfect practise amp.Great for home  it  gives golden bell like sounds. Don’t be fooled by the 5 watts. Paired with an efficient speaker it is has more volume then expected. Adding a bright switch and a gain switch gives the amp a few nice extras .And other options like an upgraded output transformer which gives multiple taps 4-8-16 ohm leaves you with more speaker options.



  • 5-6 watts full tube amp
  • Point to point handwiring
  • Cathode Bias
  • Classis tweed tones.
  • Tubes 1 x 12ax7, 1 x 6V6, 1 x 5y3
  • USA made transformers
  • Swtichcraft Jacks
  • German made electrolytic caps
  • Optional bright switch
  • Optional multi-tap output transformer
  • Optional gain switch
  • Belton tube sockets
  • CTS pots